Dear Byrd,
We met other moms and babies out in the sunshine and talked parent talk. There was an eight month old baby who reached for you and cried when I pulled you away. When I brought you close to his outstretched arms he would grab a hold of your ears like they were handles. You alternately smiled and gazed out into middle distance. I was afraid to put sunblock on and have you lick or nibble it off, I have an awful red patch on my back, something I need to figure out better. I just cant cover up completely, I get so hot, and when I am hot I get faint.
I didnt know if anyone would come, but they did!!! There were five moms I have never met before, and three I knew (one other mom emailed later that her baby was sleeping so long she didnt want to wake him - I wake Byrd for getting out of the house events, meeting new moms is like gold - mainly for sanity and getting out of my own head about naps, solid foods, etc.
You were so ready to sleep, and it is impossible to get you to sleep with so much excitement. I knew you would fall back asleep in the stoller, the car was only a few minutes away, but I walked for about an hour and a half to let you get a good nap in. It was hot and I was sweaty. And messy. I had organized the event and was a little nervous or excited. I sat on my bag of grapes and did not even realize until later that my butt was all wet. Another mom told me how she pees herself when she runs, now I wonder if she thought I had peed myself, at least no judgment there.
I stopped in Sebastian Joe's homemade ice cream shop to pee, washing my face off with cold water made me fresh again. I walked you to Lake of the Isle's. The weather was perfect blue sky, but windy. Severe thunderstorms and tornados are moving across the Great Plains and into Minnesota tonight. On the lake, out of the protection of houses and big elm and oak trees the wind was harsh, small branches were strewn about on the path. The winds are out of the south and at the north end of the lake water was piling up. I knew the storms were hours off, but I did not want to get too far from our car. I imagined what I would do if the storms started, I imagined running up onto a big porch, we were in a neighborhood of mansions. If I rang a doorbell with your sweet smile and lovely face I am sure someone would let us in. I imagined sitting with my knees up, holding you in place at my breast, gusts of water blowing onto us, lightning crackling. Would you be scared? Or excited?
It was hot, I ran out of water, my body felt tired. I wanted to seek shade on someone's porch. I made my way with you back to the car and past it to a park with an arbor. You woke up a few moments after I stopped walking and we played on the brick under the arbor. You laughed when the wind picked up. I dont think you liked the texture of bricks on your bare feet. You held your arms out to the stroller and I brought you back home. It was lovely in the shade of the arbor. I lay on my back and looked up at the little windows of bright lights shining through vines and leaves. The winds were exciting. I am excited for the storms to come.
You are asleep now in your room in your swing. I am hoping you go more than forty minutes and find enough rest in your nap.
ziti chickpeas with sausage and kale
1 week ago
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